Why Hiring a Hostess Transforms Your Yacht Charter Experience

Published by Allure Navis on 26.08.2024
Why Hiring a Hostess Transforms Your Yacht Charter Experience

When you embark on a luxury yacht charter, you're not just seeking stunning destinations and smooth sailing; you're looking for an unforgettable experience that transcends traditional vacations. This is where the invaluable role of a professional hostess comes into play. A skilled hostess transforms a chartered yacht into a floating five-star hotel, blending personalized service, culinary expertise, and an intuitive understanding of guests’ needs to create a seamless, stress-free adventure.

In this blog post, we dive into the world of a top-tier yacht hostess, uncovering the ways in which their presence elevates the entire experience. From planning bespoke meals and organizing special events to curating once-in-a-lifetime memories, the hostess’s role is pivotal in ensuring guests can fully immerse themselves in relaxation.

We had the pleasure of speaking with an extraordinary hostess who has spent years mastering the art of luxury yacht service. In the following interview, she shares her unique insights, personal touches, and the joys of creating magical moments for her guests. As we explore her expertise, it's clear that having a hostess on board is the key to a truly luxurious and hassle-free charter experience.

Below, you'll find our exclusive interview with her, along with images from her Instagram showcasing her exceptional work, culinary creations, and some of the unforgettable memories she helps guests create. Prepare to be inspired for your next dream vacation!

Meet Katarina Rodek: The Hostess Who Elevates Your Yacht Charter Experience

How do you think having a hostess on board enhances the overall charter experience for guests?

Having a hostess on board in my opinion enhances the overall charter experience greatly. Having a good hostess on board instantly turns the boat into a personalized hotel with receptionist, cooks, waiters, cleaners, suppliers, sailors - and all of that is wrapped into just one person - a great hostess. Booking a hostess for the charter guests will be able to fully relax as the hostess will take care for the cleaning, provisioning, meals planning and preparation. This gives guests opportunity to wake up to a beautiful breakfast in a lonely bay where all you can hear is crickets and the waves and jump into the sea after the breakfast (or even before) as the hostess will take care of everything regarding this matter. Part of hostess job as a crew member is also helping skipper to dock the boat which is very significant as the hostess is trained to help with the docking and if there is no hostess on board the guests might need to give a hand to the skipper while docking or doing manoeuvres.

What unique benefits do you provide to guests that they might not get on a non-crewed charter?

In my opinion every person is unique to begin with. Me personally like to do my very best when I am working. I keep my standards high and try to meet them while setting the bar even higher as I love to learn and move forward every day. I carry a whole suitcase filled with kitchen tools and spices that help me deliver beautiful and tasty plates to my guests. Also I am very much into technology and am carrying a go pro underwater camera, a polaroid camera and a drone. With the go pro guests can create magical memories while exploring the sea and it is always pretty cool to return from your vacation with some underwater mermaid photos or videos. The drone is also a sensation as it allows you to see the nature from another perspective and also helps create beautiful memories for guests. The polaroid I find very special as when the picture is taken it is the one and only unique photography that can’t be manipulated or retouched in any way - it really captures the moment. My polaroid is paired with my guest book - an album I paste the polaroids and guests can write something in it so I can also have a beautiful memory of the week.

Can you share an example of a time when your presence as a hostess significantly improved a guest's experience?

For an example when I had non English speaking guests with a foreign skipper. In this particular situation I was the person helping tailor the itinerary as I was the only person familiar with the spots, how they are affected by weather conditions and restaurant recommendations. I am no skipper but in time I have spent working in this industry I learned a lot about the skippers worries as well and have created some great connections throughout collaborations that are always happy to help me with an advice. When working on the boat you always have to bare in mind a Croatian saying ‘Hvali more, drž se kraja’ meaning ‘Praise the sea, stay on land’ (humble yourself human stay where you belong). Another more cheerful example is when my guests wanted to organise a birthday surprise for one of their friends. Imagine the time the guests would have spent wandering around an unfamiliar place trying to find a birthday cake or just the time and effort they should put into making a cake instead of sunbathing, relaxing, exploring Croatia.

How do you tailor your services to meet the specific needs and preferences of different guests?

Communication is key. I am always very open to communication with my guests before the charter starts and also during the charter to provide them with the best experience possible. If I were a guest I would never restrain myself from communication with the crew to get what I like and what is within borders of crew’s obligations and their job description. In the end of every charter I like to ask myself - what did I learn this week? The conclusion is every time that I learned a lot. After asking myself that question I try to apply what I learned in the future. What I would advise to everyone who wants to try this type of vacation is not to set any expectations (that is also my advice for general life) and just come to be relaxed as they should be on a dream vacation in capable hands of professionals.

What are some ways you add a personal touch to make each charter unique and memorable?

Being genuine and honest - being you. No week can ever be the same as no day in life can ever be repeated - you only live once. This is a philosophy I guide myself by and thus try to choose to see the best in every situation. Having a nice conversation with local people in places we visit gives me more knowledge that I can then pass on to my guests. Having all the prompts that I carry with me (the cameras, the kitchen tools) also helps a lot with being unique in providing the service. Important is reading the guests and their wishes and then adapting to their style. For example someone will enjoy taking the go pro for an underwater photosession and someone else would prefere not even being told about that possibility.

How important is the food and drink experience on a charter, and how do you ensure it’s exceptional?

Very, very important! My first lesson about hostess work in the culinary aspect was: the food needs to be prepared fast, the food needs to be tasty and the plating needs to look ‘expensive’. As a hostess 1st you need to make sure your groceries are fresh and high quality as in my belief a good ingredient makes 80% of the work in the kitchen. With all the social media flooded with #foodporn I find it easy to get inspired and let my imagination go wild. These efforts were always recognized by my guests even with a standing ovation - for my signature cheesecake ofc. Making the food experience exceptional is again connected with you being genuine and you. For example I always try to serve tiramisu dessert when we are cruising around island of Vis and then call it Visramisu. As I already said no week can be the same so there were also Mljetramisu and Hvarimisu served on my menu. Knowing good wines and good pairings of those wines with the food you serve is also extremely important. When choosing wines for my guests I follow their preferences and try to introduce them do the best sorts and producers of local Croatian Dalmatian wines.

Can you describe the process you go through to create customized menus for your guests?

With experience this process has become a lot easier. If I get the preference list I follow the lists guidance in creating the menu. If I don’t get the preference list I contact the guests sending them my instagram account as my work portfolio. I tell the guests they can feel free to screenshot the things they would like to have or if they see anything they dislike as well. Then I make a big fish and meat order from a local fisherman that works with high quality products. On Saturday I prefere going to the store myself instead of doing an order from the store for the fruits, drinks, spices as I feel I can do a better job in choosing the groceries. Sometimes the offer in the store changes and I choose to see it as an opportunity to try out something new. Making the order and menu also depends on the type of boat you are working on as the storage space is different on each level. If the storage space is insufficient for all the groceries I need for the week I will explain the situation to the guest and also explain that some of the places we visit on the coast might not have the exact product that they/I would desire. Flexibility on both sides is of great importance as the symbiosis of the boat is in question.

In what ways do you help guests feel more comfortable and at ease during their charter?

When doing this job you have to be aware that the job never ends. If my guests offer me their trust I try my best in keeping everything in mind to make their vacation relaxing. I keep track of the food and water supplies and buy some more according to the guests needs. I am also making sure there is always cold beverages in the fridge. Sometimes, as a hostess you have to be able to ‘read peoples minds’ - meaning you have to feel that it’s a great moment to offer your guests a cocktail or cold beer after they get out of the sea. As the week passes by I get familiar with my guests lifestyle and their likes or dislikes - for an example by Tuesday I know what type of coffe each of my guests drinks in the morning so they get their favourite cup of coffee without asking questions, it always brings a smile to their faces. Since being on a boat is my natural habitat I try to help my guests who are not so familiar with this territory in every way: I teach them how to walk a plank and offer them my hand so they don’t fall, I help them get in and out of the dingy, if someone is feeling sea sick I offer them something sweet and salty to help the brain work out the sickness. There is also one very cool hack for preventing throwing up on board that I like to share with my guests - if you feel sick when sailing you have to start singing very loud, when doing so the diaphragm will push the stomach down and thus prevent you from throwing up - now you also know why sailors sing. Best way to unite this answer is - I try being a caring mother to my guests.

What tasks do you handle that contribute to the overall convenience of the trip for the guests?

When working as a hostess I often feel like a superhuman as I have a wide range of tasks to cover. Basic tasks such as meal preparation and cleaning the toilettes every day. I’d say a happy skipper makes for a good charter and it’s really important that the skipper and hostess make a good team. As a hostess I help my skippers while docking. Sometimes when we go on anchor in a bay we tie landlines to keep us safe. Putting out these landlines also creates a private pool for our guests. I am a trained swimmer and diver so this tasks are a piece of cake for me and the way I do it, as a trained swimmer, always comes with a lot of respect from the guests and the skipper.

Can you share a story about a particularly memorable or impactful moment you created for guests?

Usually what is memorable or impactful for the guests seems as a disaster to the crew. Once a mattress fell out in the sea and we turned the boat to catch it. The sea was rough and skipper and I communicated good to catch it. Once we got the mattress out of the sea and high fived each other we noticed the guests standing there in awe. They said they were impressed. I also love birthdays and birthday surprises so a lot of times guests celebrate it on board and I try to make them an amazing birthday cake in secret.

One time we had two elderly ladies as guests and the restaurant ordered evacuation, the waves were huge and a bigger boat came to pick us up and drive to the bay where the boat was on a bouje. For someone young it was a struggle to get on that taxi boat, now imagine two coolest grandmas ever managing that. They absolutely loved it in the end and stated that that night was their ‘high’ of the trip and made them feel more alive.

What special events or surprises have you organized for guests that they particularly enjoyed?

Guests that come on this type of vacation are usually here to relax and take it easy so I do not push any big surprises or events on them unless they ask for it. As I already mentioned birthday surprises are a must and I sincerely enjoy creating them. I have to point out that my guests mostly enjoyed some great restaurant recommendations.

On the Adriatic coast there is a lot of restaurants that offer a whole experience, not just the place to eat. I am the biggest fan of family owned restaurants because their quality does not change - as they don’t hire a new chef every season. The atmosphere in these restaurants is also very friendly and these things never go unnoticed by guests.

What do you believe sets a crewed charter with a hostess apart from other types of vacations?

A charter with a hostess gives you an opportunity to fully relax. If you filled out the preference list or communicated your preferences with the hostess prior to starting the charter you will be able to fully relax. No cooking, no cleaning, no searching for groceries in an unfamiliar place, no restaurant searching or booking. All you have to do is enjoy your time and make as many memories as possible.

How do you stay organized and manage all the details to ensure a seamless experience for guests?

Experience. Once you get the grip of what you have to do in general as a hostess on a certain level and how your current guests breathe it just becomes automatic. I always try to remember on the first day how my guests like their coffee - this minor detail makes a big difference. And if you add some more minor details to the story - for example handing out a nice cold beer can in the right moment to the guest, getting out the shining lights in the evening, rolling up the beach towels - detail by detail you have an excellent experience for the guest.

Why do you think clients should consider booking a crewed charter with a hostess over other vacation options?

Is it really a vacation once the guest vacationing has to do all of the chores whilel on their vacation? I must admit boat hosts really do have the most beautiful office view but it is a job requiring a various skillset to make the guests experience memorable. With a hostess on board you will not have a single care in the world as she will be taking care of the groceries supplies, making you breakfast and lunch led by your preferences and also pointing you in the best possible direction with restaurant and places to visit recommendations. With a hostess you just have to get on the boat, show the crew the respect with putting your trust in them and enjoy being led through your vacation adventure by professionals.

What feedback have you received from guests that reinforces the value of having a hostess on board?

I have received a lot of positive feedback from guests on my work. Calling me to work with them again also counts as a beautiful feedback on the work. I am also carrying an album and a polaroid with me to the boat. In the end of the week I ask my guests to take a photo together and give them the album to paste the photo inside and write something to me so I could have it as a memory. We always take at least two polaroids - one for the album and another for my guests. I love polaroid photo’s as they are unique and you can’t alter the photo in photoshop - it is just the moment there captured as it is. This album is a beautiful way of keeping memories and remembering all those people I spent a week with. The album is also very useful as it can be sent to a charter as a review of the work done. The album pushed me through some tough moments that can happen in the season, but opening that book, reading all of those manuscripts, makes you feel fulfilled.

What innovations or new services are you excited to introduce to future charters to enhance guest experiences?

I started using drone recently so maybe getting better at it? (haha) It is hard to pick one thing and say “I will apply that to all of it in the future”. I believe that all you can always do is your very best and keep learning from everyone and everything.

How do you see the role of a hostess evolving in the luxury charter industry?

I see a great hostess as a 5 star hotel as I previously mentioned. So the evolution may be in having this individuals and the skillset they have as a valuable asset in business. I believe in investing in people after all the people are the ones who give the soul to the boat, without them it’s just a bunch of plastic and metal floating around.

If you could give one piece of advice to guests considering their first crewed charter, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more questions you ask you will have a clearer picture of what to expect. Also before asking questions - lose your expectations. The only thing that gets people disappointed is having expectations.

Is there anything else you’d like potential clients to know about the benefits of having a hostess on their charter?

Crew is the one giving the soul to the boat. With good crew onboard and you putting your trust into professionals you will get the best possible outcome and hopefully a vacation style you want to get back to.

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